

The uKEYlele is my first arduino project I've ever done and it is a musical instrument utilizing a speaker and a simple optical sensor. Looking back this was the least complex arduino as it only incorporates one sensor and a button to operate. It took heavy inspirations from Guitar hero (albeit a much smaller version) however this might be a slightly more advance version due to its optical sensor which provides a larger array of notes than guitar heroe's limited 4 note buttons.

Electronic Kegel Ball (Motion sensor display)

This is a rather large scale project and in addition to it is also based on a real demand. The company X-Sens required a display stand that can boast their inertial motion tracking sensor. They asked for a machine that is interactive but..............................


As part of my own professional development, I've leaned how to solder basic circuits and boards. I then use these newly acquired skill to make my very own controller. Granted I bought this model from ::::: but I program its codes myself. This shield is later used for one of my programming projects.


Sensors - general

I've experimented with some sensors that's compatible with the Arduino as part of the Smart technology course and as part of self development. Other than the two listed above, I don't have that many plans for the Arduino as building projects with an Arduino costs a considerable amount of time and energy. However, I do like to play around with sensors just in case I might need in the future and or just for fun. the best thing about learning these sensors is that they are easy to set up and take less than an hour to get it working. Here are some of the list of sensors I've played around with:

  • Accelerometer
  • Capacitive (touch) sensor
  • Resistive (touch) sensor
  • Optical sensor
  • Magnetic sensor
  • Acoustic sensor
  • Analog stick
  • Xbee (not a sensor)

To see the individual project 

Other electronics

These are electronics that does not require the use of an Arduino but they have the same principles as well as circuitry skills. Most of these projects are treated as Lab sessions which require the use of additional machines/apparatus and are usually done with a partner.

Soldering is a skill I've learned outside of university from a friend who has expirience with soldering. Since my first initial soldering 

Lab reports