
I have a basic understanding of  Java, C++ and C# and I have experience using each language during my time studying in the University of Twente. I have worked in multiple IDEs including but not limited to: Processing, MatLab, Android Studio, Visual Studio and Unity. The programs below are ones that I've made during my university years either as part of a course or for my own self interest. 

Java - in Processing


These are some programs that were not part of a fully made project but instead they are a standalone code that has a single purpose/function and it is usually made just for the sake of experimentation and learning. Most of these experiments are made in Processing with a Java language.


This was supposedly an exercise on random behaviour in a program. This is essentially making a "snake" that travels around a grid that will explore the space without being able to go back to where it has been. I decided to randomise the colours as well just because I can which ended to some pretty nice looking digi-art 


This is a simple I made with the boids code given to us for the project. The main exercise was supposedly to experiment with boid/flock behaviour but I decided to make a step further and made a game based on the initial plan. The game is simple you play as the shark and you have to hunt the fishes down (the fishes will try and runaway from you).

Confetti Fireworks


These are large scale projects that are usually made from collaborating everything that I've learned through out the course and the experiments. Some of these projects were made in groups while others were made just for fun.


Pilot simulator

This is a program I made along with my partner Mark Kenny Williams. This program was initially concieved to be a compilation of all the algorithms I learned during my fourth module in create. these include boid/flock behaviour (Birds), Random noise (Landscape), confetti (Rain cloud) and 


C++ (AI)

Maze finder (Search algorithms)

During the AI course  I've learned a variety of search algorithms designed to solve through a maze. These search algorithms include Breadth first search, Depth first search, Greedy search and A* search.

Tic tac toe

Tic tac toe is a simple game, its a turn based game that can only be won when one player has three shapes aligned. The game can only lead to a win, loss or draw. During AI we were task to create an algorithm thats able to make the player always lose or draws essentially making the algorithm unbeatable.

Final Project

Android Studio

As part of my graduation project I developed a virtual pet application in Android studio that aims to motivate users to take more walks. The application functions as a pet that the user needs to take care of by occasionally taking walks with their phone. The application utilizes several features including:

Dynamic notification system

  • Changes depending on the number of steps the user have taken 
  • Responds to when the user is taking walks
  • Timed based on user behavior

Virtual pet

  • Interactive
  • Context aware
  • Animated 

Step counter

  • Tracks daily step count 
  • Tracks changes in user behavior
  • User progress are saved and available to see at any time

C# - Unity
